Greene County Logo Greene County Clerk's Office

Accounts Payable Warrants
(417) 868-4055

The County Clerk is responsible under Missouri statute to issue warrants for payment of accounts payables for the County, including vendors and contractors. It is the Clerk's responsibility to review all requisitions for payment once submitted by department heads or officeholders and approved by the Purchasing Department, the Auditor, and the County Commission, and to direct the Treasurer to issue payment for the same.

Status of Accounts Payable

Each department head will be able to access the current status of any accounts payable requisitions issued by them. If you have a question regarding the status of processing, you should contact the department head first. For further questions, you may inquire with the Purchasing Department and then the Auditor's Office. The County Clerk's Office is not responsible for processing requisitions, nor is the County Clerk able to expedite requisitions for payments.

Distribution Schedule

The County Clerk's Office is no longer responsible for any accounts payable check distributions. Accounts payable checks are made available now directly by the Treasurer when completely processed. Checks are always mailed out to vendors and other payees unless specified otherwise by the department making the requisition.